Anointing of the Sick
Healing was a very important part of Jesus’ ministry and the Church continues that ministry through this sacrament. Those who receive this sacrament find their faith strengthened and move forward with a deeper awareness that Jesus is walking with them.
Anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual, emotional physical strength during a serious illness. It is especially recommended if an illness is leading toward death, ideally before a person loses consciousness. It may be administered even after the loss of consciousness but never after death.
Who may receive the Sacrament? Those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, those about to undergo surgery because of a serious illness, those who are elderly and weakened by age, even if there is no serious illness, and sick children who are mature enough to be comforted by the sacrament may receive the sacrament. The illness should be of a serious nature but not necessarily life-threatening. It can be a physical, emotional or spiritual illness, including addictions, chronic illnesses, or just general frailty.
The housing for the sacred oils is now just within the main entry of the church. One reason for making the oils more visible is to encourage communal prayer with the oils. We hope anyone who needs to be anointed will request anointing after any Mass. We will gather a small group around the one requesting, pray, and the priest will anoint the person.
We also schedule quarterly Masses with Anointing of the Sick on the fourth Monday of January, April, July, and October at the 6:45 p.m. Monday Mass. Or, the priest will gladly visit a home, senior center, hospital, or nursing home and gather with family at those spots for an Anointing of the Sick.
If you or someone you know in need of this healing sacrament, please call the parish office at (248) 646-2686.