As people of God we need to realize that the dynamic of all vocations begins at the moment of Baptism; therefore we are all charged to take up our responsibility, our vocation, for the sake of the Kingdom and the Church. As we enter adulthood, we need to listen to the Lord and see what it is he is asking of us. The “call” that comes to us at Baptism is unique and lived out in many different ways as we strive to respond and lay down our lives in service to Christ and the Church. Most will be called to marriage, some will remain single; however, others will be called by God to live out their holiness/vocation as a priest, deacon, or religious sister or brother. – Do Whatever He Tells You: A Pastoral Plan for Vocational Awareness. Archdiocese of Detroit
The Vocations Committee helps the parish in fostering vocations. The principal activity of the committee is vocation awareness with regard to priestly and religious vocations. The committee plans special events and observances such as the annual Desert Meal.
We welcome you to join our vocations efforts. Would you like to participate on the Vocations Committee? Contact Mary Von Koss at (248) 646.2686 Ext. 4013