St. Regis Parish is successful and thriving only through the generous support of many parish members who offer their time and energy in various leadership roles. We are always looking for additional help in these leadership areas. If you are interested, please fill out the most current Ministry Sign-Up Form and indicate that interest or get in touch with the contact person listed under each group. You will then be contacted by someone as follow up. Thank you.
The Parish Pastoral Council is the primary visioning body of the parish, assisting the pastor in determining the overall mission of the parish. In the Archdiocese of Detroit each parish is required to have a Pastoral Council which assists the pastor in:
- Soliciting the wisdom if the parish community on pastoral matters.
- Forming a consensus about pastoral planning.
- Communicating that pastoral vision to the parish as a whole.
- Involving the parish commissions and the wider parish in implementing the vision.
Every parishioner fully initiated in the Catholic faith and is a member in good standing is eligible to be a candidate for consideration as a member. Every spring parishioners are invited to nominate someone or him/herself. On Pentecost Sunday names are selected by lottery at one of the Masses for at-large members.
In April of 2018 the Pastoral Council released its St. Regis Pastoral Vision to guide the planning of all parish groups over the next 5-7 years.
If interested, please contact the chair of the Pastoral Council listed in the Sunday Bulletin.
The Finance Council assists the pastor in the proper administration of the finances and material assets of the parish, especially in regard to any strategic planning brought forth by the Pastoral Council. The purpose of the Parish Finance Council is to help facilitate the accomplishment of the pastoral priorities identified by the pastor and Parish Pastoral Council. The Finance Council should foster transparency and accountability in management of the church’s resources.
The members of the Finance Council are appointed by the pastor. The membership should reflect a variety of expertise: accounting, finance, legal, facilities or construction management.
A snapshot of Parish Finances is provided here: Financial Report FY 2019-20 Actuals and 2020-21 Budget.
If interested in being considered by the pastor for this council, please contact the chair of the Pastoral Council listed in the Sunday Bulletin.
St. Regis is part of the South Oakland Vicariate of 23 parishes. Each parish is represented at these meetings by two parish members, usually someone who is either currently or in the past has been on the Parish Pastoral Council, though that is not a necessary requirement. The parish representative attends the Vicariate Pastoral Council meetings and communicates/consults with the Parish Pastoral Council at their meetings.
If interested in being considered by the pastor for this council, please contact the chair of the Pastoral Council listed in the Sunday Bulletin.
The Faith Formation Commission assists, promotes, and supports parishioners in understanding that the entire parish communion has responsibility for participating in the evangelization and teaching mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church. The commission’s responsibilities include developing, promoting, and evaluating programs that address all aspects of formation and evangelization, in cooperation with archdiocesan and parish staffs. This includes children, teens and adults. One member of this commission serves on the Parish Pastoral Council as well.
For more information on the Faith Formation Commission please contact either Mary Von Koss at 248.646.2686, ext. 2011 or Theresa Skwara at 248.646.2686 ext. 5037.
The Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable the entire parish community to put the social teaching of the Church into action. The Commission empowers the members of St. Regis parish to fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom and peace under the mantle of evangelization by communally responding, in an organized way, to societal and individual needs. The commission creates and/or promotes programs that strive to address human needs and achieve justice whether locally or in the broader communities of the vicariate, region, Archdiocese of Detroit, state, nation and world.
The Christian Service Commission meets every month. For more information please contact Deacon Francis King at or 248-646-2686 x4012.
The Worship Commission is responsible for guiding the continuing liturgical renewal of the parish, which is a communion centered on the Eucharist. It serves the parish by providing opportunities for liturgical education, by preparing the liturgical celebrations, and through mystagogical reflection evaluating these celebrations.
The Worship Commission participates in the call for evangelization by its witness of sharing Christ with others through liturgical worship.
The Worship Commission collaborates with the Parish Pastoral Council, other parish commissions, the Vicariate Worship Commission, and the Archdiocesan Office for Christian Worship. It develops and establishes objectives to realize and accomplish parish and Archdiocesan goals and ecclesiastical norms in the area of liturgy and parish worship. The primary task of the Worship Commission is in the areas of liturgy and ecumenism. This work includes educational, worship, and administrative responsibilities.
For more information about the Worship Commission, or if you are interested in serving on the commission, please contact Mary Von Koss at
The School Advisory Committee is a group of parents of current students who offer ideas for improving the school, bring in speakers on topics of interest to the parents, and meet with the principal on a regular basis to facilitate communication among the St. Regis Catholic School community.
For more information about the committee, or if you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Katie Brydges at
The St. Regis Catholic School Advancement Council works with the principal and pastor to create fund-raising opportunities for the school, advise the Finance Council on how those monies could be best spent, reach out to alumni and others to sponsor events and activities in the school, and seek ways to market the value and excellence of the school to the surrounding area.