Please use the form below for donations to the Church, including one-time gifts, holy days, special collections, and Sunday offertory.  If you want to make your donation a recurring gift, there is an option to do that as well.

Start by selecting One-time or Recurring Gift, then select the fund you wish to donate to by using the drop-down Fund menu.  Click the + Add Donation button choose an additional fund. 

If you prefer to have assistance with this process, simply download the Electronic Giving Opportunities Enrollment, fill it out, and return it to the parish business office.

If you want to donate toward a Mass request, please go the Mass Request page.

If you are willing to contribute to our St. Regis Parish Legacy Endowment Fund, see the link at the bottom. Thank you.


The St. Regis Parish Legacy Fund is set up through the Michigan Catholic Foundation. This is approved by the Archdiocese but is independent of the Archdiocese in terms of its monies. Click on the image below to make a contribution to the Parish Endowment.