Becoming Good Stewards

Stewardship is the term the Church uses to invite us to be grateful, and responsible for the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the Church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which literally means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). More importantly than any amounts, stewardship/tithing is about prayerfully considering how to use our time, talents and treasure to offer God our “first fruits” and not just what remains after taking care of everything else.

Stewardship is about ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. It is about using all of the many gifts that God has given us and returning them to the Lord as joyful missionary disciples.

The Ministry Sign-Up Sheet is the most recent request for specific areas of need. If you fill it out and turn it in on a Sunday or the parish office, someone will contact you. You can check a specific ministry listed or use it to let us know of another area you would like to be involved with.

To make a monetary donation as part of your stewardship, go the Donations Page.

Or explore the links  and get involved in one or more of the ministries listed. Thank you!