Keeping in mind that students have different learning styles, interests, and abilities, St. Regis Educare utilizes a variety of strategies, teaching methods, resources, and materials to provide targeted, differentiated instruction for each student. The St. Regis Educare Team is pleased to offer the following services to support our classroom teachers in their effort to provide a high quality education for our students, and to help each student achieve success.
An Educare teacher either performs assessments upon request from teachers or takes over a class while the teacher assesses.
An Educare teacher analyzes a student’s needs, and develops an academic plan based on assessments, observation and teacher input.
In-Class Support
An Educare teacher enters a classroom while the teacher is introducing a concept and helps students who are having difficulty understanding the concept.
Games and Activities
An Educare teacher plans a game or activity to help students in a particular class have fun while reinforcing a specific concept or skill.
Small Group or Individual Instruction (out of classroom)
An Educare teacher works with a small group or an individual student who comes to the Educare Room to receive assistance or enrichment for a specific concept or academic subject.
An Educare teacher conducts a workshop for students needing assistance with topics such as study skills or comprehension strategies.
An Educare teacher designs and teaches a mini-lesson covering a specific topic such as organization.
Literature Circles and Higher Level Thinking
An Educare teacher meets periodically with a group of students to discuss and do higher-level thinking activities based on a work of literature the group is reading.
“There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.” — Marva Collins