Online Faith Formation Program with Monthly Intergenerational Gatherings

The Online Faith Formation Program at St. Regis is for children and their families as an option instead of the traditional weekly program.  Students in 1st through 8th grade complete weekly lessons at home in an online classroom; students and their entire families join the monthly inter-generational gathering held on the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. with faith formation activities included.

This program relies heavily on parents serving their role as the primary faith educator of their children.  Family sessions include a meal, family discussion, prayer and liturgy, family learning and grade level learning, and adult faith formation.  Families get to know each other as the community of St. Regis at our gatherings!

Classes begin on Wednesday, September 27th with a mandatory parent/student Meeting @ 6:30 pm in Fr. Shields Hall.  You must be a registered parishioner of St. Regis or another parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

When registering for this program, if you have a child who will be celebrating First Eucharist, Confirmation, or First Reconciliation, please register for those portions of the program as well. Thank you!

ONLINE Faith Formation Policies and Procedures

Wednesday Online Family Faith Formation

Attendance … is mandatory to the once a month Wednesday evening gatherings as well as following the assigned lessons online.  In the event, you and your child need to miss a monthly gathering. A notification MUST be given to the Faith Formation office either via email or phone call. 


Wednesday Monthly Gatherings … will take place the 2nd Wednesday of the month and are always held in the Fr. Shields Hall at 6:30 pm.        


Notifications … All Faith Formation information is posted on the parish website, announcements at Mass, in the weekly bulletin, on St. Regis’s Facebook page and through emails or text messages sent through Remind, a FREE APP for your phone!


To sign up for reminders, through remind….


If you have any questions or concerns, Please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Faith Formation with the contact form on this page (different from application).

Online Faith Formation Wednesday Evening Gatherings Schedule


Click here to REGISTER