Upcoming Funerals / Memorial Masses:
Save the Date / Upcoming Events:
Protecting God’s Children: In cooperation with the new “Safe Environment Policies” and “Protecting God’s Children” guidelines from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the priests of West Maple Family of Parishes have agreed that we will follow these expanded requirements for employees, contract staff, and any and all volunteers (including members of fraternal organizations, service organizations, and CYO sports). We are committed to full compliance — without exception — by November 1, 2023. If you completed Protecting God’s Children prior to January 1, 2020, please go to virtusonline.org to complete the updated certification program. Contact Agnes Villarreal for questions or for further information.
- Livestreaming on St. Regis Parish You Tube Channel
- Sunday 10 a.m. Mass . Livestream is in addition to the public Mass.
Recently Highlighted Links:
- National Eucharistic Revival. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ resources. Resources in the Archdiocese of Detroit: I Am Here.
Other Links:
- Detroit Catholic News
- 52 Sundays. Family ideas for making Sunday the Lord’s Day throughout the year.
- Archdiocese of Detroit Reporting Abuse of Minors
- Michigan Catholic Conference Advocacy Network.
- Detroit Priest Vocation website
- Retrouvaille Marriage Weekends for marriages seeking healing and reconciliation.John